Muona Foundation trained school dropout youths in vocational skills training.
There are 17 Group Village Heads (men and women) in Senior Traditional Authority Mlolo’s area and each Village Head has a youth club. All the 17 youth clubs in the area are linked to a youth network that originates from the village headman/woman level, Group village headman/woman level, and Senior Traditional Authority level, and ends at the District level.
Youth Network Structure
Village Level
Group Village Level
Senior Traditional Authority Level
District Level
Members of the youth clubs are between 10 years to 35 years old.
Imparting vocational skills training on school dropouts in Muona empowered the youth economically and the community benefited from the services provided by the graduating students from the Mlolo Community Skills Development Centre.
The youth were transformed from promiscuous behavior before the training to development agents after training through their technical and vocational skills services in the community. Muona Foundation trained 20 students in bricklaying and another 20 in electrical installation. The 40 students graduated and are offering services in the community. Training in the pipeline includes Electrical installation, carpentry and joinery, bricklaying, motorcycle repair, tailoring, tinsmith, and woodwork. All these training programs respond to the community’s needs and are in high demand.